
Display Wall Calibrator
The aim of the NEC Display Wall Calibrator system is to automatically adjust multiple displays used in a video wall so that the color characteristics closely match, thereby creating the visual illusion of a single large display.

System Requirements - Microsoft Windows
Operating System 32- and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 10
Display Resolution Recommended: 1280 x 1024; Minimum: 1024 x 768
LAN Standard TCP/IP LAN interface (optional if using RS-232 or wireless LAN)
USB At least one available USB port per colour sensor. An active USB extender cable of upt to 5m (16 feet) in length can be used if necessary with some models of colour sensor. USB extender cables should not be used with the X-Rite/GreatgMacbeth Eye-One Monitor, Eye-One-Pro or X-Rite ColorMunki sensors.
RS-232 One or more RS-232 COM ports (optional if using LAN). Null modem cables to connect devices. A USB-to-RS.232 adpater can be used if necessary.

System Requirements - Mac OS
Operating System Mac OS 10.5 and higher. Only Intel based Macs are supported
Display Resolution Recommended: 1280 x 1024; Minimum: 1024 x 768
LAN Included in all Macs
USB At least one available USB port per colour sensor. An active USB extender cable of upt to 5m (16 feet) in length can be used if necessary with some models of colour sensor. USB extender cables should not be used with the X-Rite/GreatgMacbeth Eye-One Monitor, Eye-One-Pro or X-Rite ColorMunki sensors.
RS-232 A USB to RS-232 adpater can be used if connecting the Mac to displays via RS-232 isntead of via LAN. Null modem cables to connect devices.

Supported Colour Sensors:
GretagMacbeth Eye-One Display V1
X-Rite/GretagMacbeth Eye-One Display V2
X-Rite/GretagMacbeth Eye-One Monitor, Eye-One Pro
X-Rite ColorMunki
X-Rite iOneDisplay Pro
NEC SpectraSensor Pro
X-Rite Hubble (Windows only)
ColorVision/Datacolor Spyder 2
Datacolor Spyder 3, 4 ,5
Konica Minolta CA-210 and CA310 (Windows only)